wildlife World Wildlife Day 2025 On this World Wildlife Day, I would like to share some of my photographs from various forests of India. We are truly fortunate to be in this country, where wildlife is abundant. We still have much to learn to share our habitats. Even in our school campus, if you just
wildlife Birds of Gadhka February 2025 | Just 10 mins from The Northstar School, is a small town called Gadhka. On the outskirts of the town is a lake that has a thriving bird presence. It is incredible how wildlife thrives within and around densely populated areas in India. Some photos from my recent trek.
wildlife Black-rumped flameback I spotted this couple of Black-rumped flameback or Lesser goldenback woodpeckers in the Satpura National Park (May 2024).
wildlife Tigers in the Bushes Photographing tigers in the jungles of central India is a meditative experience for me. Almost all factors in a getting an image that I want are out of my control. The jungle, the tigers, and ecology dictate the terms here. While the final images are pixel perfect as possible, a
wildlife Tigers of Central India Some of my favourite places are in the jungles of central India. I visit these jingles often. On my most recent trip, I was fortunate to have incredible Tiger sightings. O{N numerous previous visits, I have not been able to sport tigers. However, I simply enjoy being in the
wildlife Great White Pelican These are at Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary. Pelicans are mostly migratory, arriving here, in Gujarat, in winter. But some of them have become residents, it seems. I wonder how they are adapting to the furnace-like temperatures of the summer.